“Ahakoa he iti he pounamu”

Although it is small, it is something precious and treasured from the heart

Programme Outline

BMB SessionsSkills and TechniquesTātaiako
Key Competencies
New Zealand Curriculum Key Competencies
Session 1
Getting to Know Each Other
and Happy Experiences
He aroha ka whakatō he aroha ka hua mai.
Getting to know one another & interacting.
Co-operating as a group, showing respect and building trust.
Understanding & accepting differences. Equity & sincerity. Identifying happy experiences.
Showing Respect/Whakaute and Co-operation/
Mahi Tahi at Home.
Developing Gratitude
Self-Awareness and Social Awareness
Mānaakitanga: Values
Tangata Whenuatanga: Knowledge of whakapapa, whānau and identity.
Thinking: Self-Knowledge
Relating to Others: Relating to a diverse range of people. Listening, share ideas, see different points of view.
Participating and Contributing: Being involved, being a good group member, including others.
Session 2
Feelings in Ourselves and Others
Kia mahi tahi tatau mo te oranga o te katoa.
Understanding our own and other people’s feelings.
Thinking in positive and helpful ways. Helping others to Feel Good.
Showing Kindness/Atawhaitia and Consideration/Whaiwhakaaro to Others.
Developing Gratitude
Self-Awareness and Social Awareness
Mānaakitanga: Values
Ako: Effective Learning
Thinking: Cause and Effect
Managing Self: Why they think, act and respond the way they do.
Using Language and Symbols:
Different ways to communicate.
Relating to Others: Relating to a diverse range of people. Listening, share ideas, see different points of view.
Participating and Contributing: Being involved, being a good group member, including others.
Session 3
Relaxing and Feeling Good
He oranga ngākau, He pikinga waiora.
Feeling confident & brave.
Learning how to feel happy and good.
Listening to our body’s clues to understand feelings.
Different methods of relaxation.
Being Responsible/Haepapa and Peaceful/ Rangimārie.
Gratitude Journal
Manaakitanga: Values
Ako: Effective Learning
Wānanga: Communication and Problem solving
Thinking: Meta-cognition, reflect
on what they are doing.
Managing Self: As above
Using Language and Symbols:
Different ways to communicate.
Relating to Others: As above
Participating and Contributing:
As above
Session 4
Focusing on the Positive
Poipoia te kakano kia
Focusing on the positive things around us.
Understanding how thoughts affect our feelings.
Helpful powerful thoughts.
Using Self Discipline/Whaiaro and Cheerfulness/Harikoa.
Gratitude Journal
Self-Awareness and Self-Management
Manaakitanga: Values
Wānanga: Communication and Problem solving
Ako: Classroom and Beyond
Thinking: Mindfulness Cause and Effect
Managing Self
Relating to Others
Participating and Contributing
Session 5
Two Ways of Thinking
Mauria tō pono.
Being Helpful/Āwhinatanga and Honest/Pono.
Awareness of our self-talk.
How thoughts and feelings affect our behaviour.
Recognising the two ways of thinking – helpful and unhelpful thoughts.
Changing unhelpful thoughts into helpful, powerful thoughts.
Gratitude Journal
Self-Awareness and Self-Management
Manaakitanga: Values
Wānanga: Communication, Problem solving and Innovation
Ako: Classroom and Beyond
Thinking: Mindfulness Cause and Effect Some ways of thinking are not helpful.
Managing Self
Relating to Others
Participating and Contributing
BMB SessionsSkills and TechniquesTataiako
Key Competencies
New Zealand Curriculum
Key Competencies
Session 6
Changing the Way we Think
Titiri whakamuri. Kōkiri whakamua.
Creating Independence/Mana Motuhake and being Mindful/Whaiwhakaaro of what we are saying and doing.
Changing unhelpful thoughts into helpful powerful thoughts.
Relaxation and Mindful breathing. Gratitude Journal
Self-Awareness and Self-Management
Manaakitanga: Values
Wānanga: Communication, problem solving and Innovation
Ako: Classroom and Beyond
Thinking: Some ways of thinking are not helpful. Meta-cognition, reflect on what they are doing.
Managing Self: Willing to take risks, try new things, make mistakes, learn from them and try again.
Relating to Others: Relating to a diverse range of people. Listening, share ideas, see different points of view.
Participating and Contributing: Enjoy participating and contributing.
Session 7
Achieving Goals and Trying New Things
I orea te tuatara ka patu ki waho.
Developing Confidence/Whakamanawa and Excellence/Hiranga.
Exploring ways to cope and trying new things.
Using a step plan to break down difficult
things into smaller steps.
Problem solving. Focusing on future goals. Gratitude Journal
Responsible Decision Making
Manaakitanga: Values
Wānanga: Communication, problem solving and innovation.
Ako: Classroom and Beyond
– Effective learning.
Thinking: Setting a challenging goal then working towards it.
Managing Self: Willing to take risks, try new things, make mistakes, learn from them and try again.
Relating to Others: As above
Participating and Contributing: As above
Session 8
Role Models and Support Teams
Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa.
Feeling grateful for people in our lives.
The importance of role models & how can we be a positive role model.
Identifying & building our support team.
Showing Gratitude/Whakamaioha and being
Gratitude Journal
Relationship Skills
Manaakitanga: Values
Wānanga: Communication, problem solving and innovation.
Ako: Classroom and Beyond
Thinking: Using creative and critical ways of thinking.
Managing Self: As above
Relating to Others: As above
Participating and Contributing:
Enjoy participating and contributing.
Session 9
Nau te rourou, naku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.
Being Trustworthy/Whakawhirinaki and Assertive/Whakanonoi.
Qualities that make a good friend. What qualities make me a good friend?
What qualities could I focus on to be a better friend and how?
Being a good friend to myself.
Positive and assertive ways to handle a bully.
Developing Trustworthiness/Whakawhirinaki
at home.
Gratitude Journal
Relationship skills and Self-Management
Mānaakitanga: Values
Wānanga:Communication, problem solving and innovation.
Ako: Classroom and Beyond
Thinking: Self-Knowledge of our own strengths.
Managing Self: Understanding themselves as a learner.
Relating to Others: Listening well, see different points of view, negotiate and share ideas.
Participating and Contributing: Being involved, contributing, including and creating opportunities for others.
Session 10
Acknowledging Our Successes.
Using the Strategies to Help Ourselves and Others
Ko au ko au, ko koe ko koe, me haere ngatahi tāua.
Resilience/Manawaroa and Service/Mānaakitanga.
Rewarding ourselves for trying our best.
Being a Resilient Champion. Coping with change. Seeing the funny side of things.
Appreciating and acknowledging others.
Using the strategies to help ourselves and others. Being of Service and Making a Difference in the World.
Celebrating our Success and presentation of
Gratitude Journal
Relationship skills and Self-Management
Mānaakitanga: Values
Wānanga: Communication, problem-solving and innovation.
Ako: Classroom and Beyond
Thinking: Self-knowledge of our own strengths. Using creative and critical ways of thinking.
Managing Self: Being self motivated, having a can-do attitude. More persistent and resilient and more likely to be a successful learner.
Relating to Others: As above
Participating and Contributing: Being involved, contributing, including and creating opportunities for others.